• Darlene ReyesNeighbor

  • Hyattsville, MD

A Maryland-area native, Darlene was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Hyattsville. She is a senior print journalism major and a U.S. Latino studies minor at the University of Maryland, College Park and will be graduating in December 2013.


Over the course of her college career, Darlene has gained experience covering local news at multiple publications. After spending the summer of 2011 at Rockville's Montgomery County Sentinel, she moved to the Takoma Voice in 2012. During this internship, she was able to work on the Voice’s last print issue as the publication switched over to an online-only format.


Darlene is especially passionate about covering Latino issues, and, on a local level, enjoys covering arts and entertainment news. Her post-graduation plans include spending a year teaching English in Korea, as well as the possibility of someday applying to graduate school for journalism or linguistics.

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